Staging of the disease


Woohoo! Today I got all the pending results from my tests: bone marrow biopsy, echocardiogram, tomographies, blood tests and more. All these examinations were neeeded for two reasons: to determine the stage of Hodgkin's disease and to proceed with the proper treatment.

I'm happy to hear that the stage of my illness is 2B, which is good.

Hodgkin's disease can be categorized into 4 stages (1 through 4). Stage 1 and 2 are initial phases, but stage 3 and 4 means almost terminal phases (really bad).

The doctor explained that my illness can be categorized as 1A because the disease is located in one single region (the right side of my neck), but she wanted to declare stage 2B because there's a little alteration in my thymus that could be related to the cancer. To be safe, she said, that she will declare my illness as stage 2B and from the beginning of the treatment they will monitor my thymus.

I have to return to the hospital next Wednesday to get the approval for my treatment, which will consist on ABVD chemotherapy.
