Doctor appointment

Doctor desk

What a day! Today, I went to see my doctor. We started right away to schedule the first cycle of the chemotherapy. Tomorrow, I will start the first part of the first cycle, then on May 25 I will have the second part.

My wife and I, we made a few questions and got answers. So far here is the list of things that we need to pay attention in this new life travel.

  • I should not eat fresh vegetables. Instead, I can have them steamed.
  • I should not be in contact with sick people. During treatment I will be one of the most vulnerable creature… Regarding viruses, I will be in a Pokèmon state ‘gotta catch 'em all’.
  • I should drink a lot of water. Specially, after I get the treatment applied.
  • I have to take some pills to protect my body. We have to watch out for my little kidney and my small stomach.

I'm glad we will finally start the treatment! Thanks Jehovah!

I'm one of the million that are ‘imagining the Time’, yes, that Time.
