2nd day of 4th cycle: a good day

Today, was a good day. After two failed attempts to find a proper vein, the third was a success. The personnel did the best they could, but my veins are too affected by the accumulated doses.

Having chemo

At night, by 4am I woke up as usual to go to the restroom. When I tried to flex my left leg I felt a pain. I checked my whole leg trying to find something irregular, also pressed it to find a sensitive spot, but nothing was found. I visually compared both legs and everything seems similar. I suspect it is the CIPN (Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy).

My current treatment (BEACOPP without Procarbazine) contains two cytotoxic drugs that are known to cause CIPN. These drugs are: Etoposide and Vincristine. The former is administered the first three days of each cycle, while the latter is given on the eighth day.

Overall, as I said at the beginning: it was a good day. Another time, I felt Jehovah accompanied us and protected us with His wisdom. It make us remember how to act and collaborate with all the personnel and that creates a peaceful atmosphere. Also, He give me the strength to continue with this aggressive treatment, which I constantly think to quit.
